Our organization has experience and skill of manufacturing of the tool from natural and synthetic diamonds, abrasives and a hard alloy. It is intended for are cutting, grinding, polishings and other processing of all materials. Our equipment and technologies, are capable to make the tool for working with a stone, builders, road workers and machine engineers at a level of requirements of the given market. Besides we make the equipment and equipment for work of our tool. The tool is made with use of the best technologies and techniques of domestic and foreign firms.
Our organization is also the official representative of the largest manufacturers of the diamond tool of Russia and the countries of the CIS that allows us to carry out deliveries of any tool.
Other direction of work of our organization, is realization of products from a natural stone. We work directly with manufacturers and consequently our prices are minimal. At processing products from a natural stone we use the own tool, that also reduces cost of performance of our works.
In case of need each product of our organization may be delivered you and is established and shown in work.
For last years the organization has no censures on quality of production. The diamond tool has successfully recommended itself on leading enterprises of Russia. The organization has flexible manufacture and system of selling which allow to consider any possible individual wishes and orders. Our products at high quality have the low prices.
Our organization many years works in the market and has achieved appreciable successes. It became possible due to the big done work of our experts, and also support of the government of city and the St.-Petersburg Building Corporation. We work with many enterprises of Saint Petersburg, the Leningrad and Murmansk areas, Karelia, the Central Russia and Transcaucasia.
We have an opportunity to make tests of the tool that then to improve his quality.
If necessary, you should direct the order and to inform: names of a product, a number number of the standard or the full description of a product. Also, we accept applications for repair of the broken tool.
We wait for your orders. We shall be grateful for offers of cooperation, business councils and the recommendations directed on the further improvement of quality.
Yours faithfully,
The director, Vladimir Kirsanov
* THE NORTH-WEST CENTRE OF DIAMOND TOOLS (till 2003 - Adamand, JSC) - the industrial enterprise which is letting out the wide nomenclature of the diamond tool, realising own production and production made by other manufacturers.